Daiwik Management Consulting (PTY) Ltd, played a key strategic role in defining the transition strategy and developed the new organizational design for the merged entity with aligned job profiles and capabilities. A key differentiator was their ability to successfully transfer their competence and capability to project staff through a structured knowledge transfer process. In addition to their ability to navigate our organization through structural changes and empower our people to adopt the new way of working with exceeded expectations
Khumbu Sithole
Seniour Manager
Research & Strategy
Daiwik Management Consulting (PTY) Ltd was involved in the development of the strategic framework and communications Strategy for the GPG BBBEE department. During their involvement, Daiwik proved to be knowledgeable, diligent, and very professional in fulfilling their obligations to the project. I have no hesitations in recommending Daiwik Management Consulting.
Moyasi Catherine Mvelase
Chief Director
Gauteng Department of Economic Development
Daiwik Management Consulting (PTY) Ltd recently completed a strategy engagement at the Services SETA Facilities Management and Administration Department. This engagement involved the development of strategic framework, streamlining business process and the development of departmental policies. Daiwiks knowledge and expertise as well as their public sector experience educated my staff about best practices, organisational changes and development of new strategies. Daiwiks research and information gathering skills are surpassed only by their compelling presentation of findings and recommendations for improvements within the FacilitiesManagement and Administration Department
Gavin Thomas
SNR ManagerServices SETA
This serves as a recommendation for Daiwik Management Consulting (PTY) Ltd for their services, specifically in terms of organization design.Daiwik strengthened a TSi Project by leading the organization redesign for a major South African and African manufacturing concern. Daiwik brought massive subject matter expertise and their specific deliverables were:- Functional Strategy Overview- Business process review- Organisation structure review based on Stratified Systems Theory- Work design- Change Management- Project Management
Hennie Wiehahn
Executive DirectorTransformation Strategy & Implementation Services (PTY) Ltd